So, you want to build a model railway? You dream of constructing a miniature landscape with trains
to-ing and fro-ing at your command. Long expresses running from large stations, crossing majestic viaducts,
piercing forested mountains via long tunnels and clinging to ledges high above canyons. Freight trains shunting
grotty industrial sidings, picking up loaded wagons and leaving empty ones. And heavy freight trains struggling up
long grades and shattering the peace of the suburbs.
Ahem!, and then you wake up and look at the circle of track on the dining room table. :)
Well, in model form, with a bit of imagination, spare time, suitable space and of course, some spare cash, all the
above and more is possible. Your first decision (if you haven't actually got as far as the circle of track yet) is
probably going to be what scale to choose. Look at the space and funds you have available. Go to the scales and
gauges page to see descriptions of the various sizes available, what they all mean and some of their pros and cons.
The pages in this guide won't tell you what you should choose or not choose. They set out some of the choices
available and attempt to give you some answers to commonly asked questions to assist you in coming to a decision.
In the end, model trains are a hobby and you are free to do as you wish.
Model railways. A lifetime hobby.
Click on one of the buttons below to continue.
History of model railways
Series covering Brief history, Scales and Gauges, Couplings, Electrical, Tracklaying and Scenery.
Making a start. One way of quickly and easily building a model railway.
Polar Express . How (not?) to build a model railway on short notice.
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6